Thursday, May 5, 2011

The *Josh story

I am still waiting to find out more about the house and divorce.... Did I mention, I hate not knowing what's going on, anyway, since there is nothing I can do (well, maybe I should be packing, but...nah), I distract myself with.... boys.  OH WAIT... I am not 16 anymore, I guess they are called men now.  But I am being reminded quickly that they still act like boys.  (I know you are all saying, AMEN, to that!)

Like I said before... I jump around....
The second time I heard from *Josh, (hot, hard body in Utah, with no brains), it was about 11:00 pm, a few nights after the first time we text.  It went like this...
*J- I'm on my way home

I looked at my phone.... totally confused.... did he have any clue who he was texting?  I think I remember throwing my arms up in the air and saying out loud,,"What the hell."  I stared at my phone, how was I suppose to respond to that?

ME- From where?
*J- Gym
ME- Of course
*J -lol
And then that was it.  Is anyone else as confused as I am about this.  Maybe he thought he was texting someone else, was my thought, but I actually do believe that this guy is just an idiot, (with a hot body).  The reason, I think this... every 3rd night or so, for about a month, *Josh pops up on my phone.  And we text for about 2 minutes and then he's gone.  I told some people about him, they suggested blocking him, but he hasn't done anything wrong and here's the thing...  once I put my kids to bed at night, I am bored out of my mind!  I have to stay with my kids , so I can't leave, all my friends are married and have their own families to take care of.  So , YES, I know it is sad and pathetic, but for now, texting and e-mailing is kind of my only night time social life. 

Then there was this one on a Sunday afternoon-
*J- Sup
Me- not much, I'm camping
*J- That's cool
And... that's all folks.  But by then, I already had somebody that I actually enjoyed texting, (I just smiled thinking about him, hehe).  So I thought, he probably won't text anymore... but 3 nights later... as if on schedule-

ME- You keep coming back, I still don't have any topless pics for you.
*J- I never asked you for a topless pic, I am beginning to think you are retarded

I knew for sure that this was the last time I would hear from him.... but NO!  3 nights later-
ME- I thought you thought I was retarded.
*J- lol

And then, yes, that was the last time.... well not really.  I was bored the other night (about 2 or 3 weeks later), so I thought, what the heck... I wonder what would happen, let's see...
ME- I haven't heard from you in a while.  I'm not really retarded, just messing with ya.
2 hours later
*J- lol

Ya know just for the sake of some good blogging, I just might text him again... it's only 11:00pm.  I have to think of something good.  I think his head might pop off if I try the 'duck' comment.  I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl! I didn't know you had a new blog! You totally crack me up --- I LOVE IT! ;) That guy sounds like such a goofus. I totally think you should mess with him some more. haha!
