Monday, June 6, 2011

Here I go again....

The weekend is over, I didn't have anything funny to blog about.  So guess what I went and did..... for the third time, I joined! Again!  What the heck is wrong with me?  Well, I could tell you what's wrong with me, but I think you are all starting to figure it out for yourselves.

But here's the thing, not all the guys I have met on there are jerks.  There are a few good ones.... one of them even admits to reading my blog.  Haha, this can be good, and bad.  I told him that since he reads it, I will not mention him.... until we go on a date.  And yes, I do have a date scheduled with him.... IN ABOUT 2 MONTHS!  So in a little over 2 months, I will give details of my date with him... GOOD OR BAD!  He knows this, so if he is smart, he will make it a REALLY good date.

Now, I know that while you are all (or at least you all should be) cheering for me to find Mr. Right, you are also looking for a good laugh at my expense. I have learned some lessons along the way, and I am getting better at spotting the red flags, but just as in life, there are sure to be a few who sneak their way past round 1and maybe even round 2, before they show their true colors.  But you better believe, that when they do, I will be back to blog about it!

So now, I just have to wait, up to 72 hours, for some random person to approve my pictures.  Tick tock, tick tock.

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