Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Things First

I am totally in the mood to blog.

I want to share with you the funniest story about a date that I went on, that went totally wrong...but I can't because, that would  mean that I actually went on a date recently. 

I thought about sharing my first real date, after my divorce was final.  But, nothing funny happened.  It was just a nice date.  And that's all it ended up being, one date.  And that's OK.

I was thinking about sharing my first date with The Chad, or the time The Chad and I took all 7 of our kids out to eat at a restaurant, but my emotions are still to raw.

I would love to tell you about some cute guy that I am emailing and hoping to meet soon, but I am totally over online dating.

I wish I could tell you about the guy that my friend tried to set me up with, but when I contacted him, he never responded.

I was hoping  I could tell you that the guy I hung out with a few weeks ago was an amazing kisser, but he never made a move.

Sadly, I can't tell you that I got kissed  at midnight on New Year's, because the guy who promised he would, showed his true colors and decided instead to let me know that he was hoping to bring in the new year with a good "bang", with someone else.

It would be fun if I could tell you that I had the nerve to ask a crush to be my date at a wedding I just went to, but I'm a chicken.

This is what I can say.

I may not be in a relationship now, but I have these things to look forward to:
  • Getting asked out on a date, and remaining calm until I am no longer in contact with that person and then calling my best friends, and screaming with excitement.
  •  Getting all excited and nervous, changing my clothes 20 times, while I get ready for that first date.
  • Having butterflies all night, wondering if he is going to kiss me, even though I promised myself I wouldn't kiss him on the first date.
  • That euphoric feeling  I get when I kiss someone I really like for the first time.
  • When the right guy puts his arms around me, I melt my head onto his chest, and then he kisses the top of my head.
  • When the man I am dating, holds my hand in public and intoduces me as his girlfriend.
  • Introducing him to my friends, and having them smile and give thumbs up when he's not looking.
 I could go on with so many more, but these are just the first steps.  Of course, the time will come when I will say

But, first things first!


  1. Sometimes it's ok just to "be". Even if there aren't any exciting stories to tell about that. I love the look forward to list!

  2. That was a fun read. It didn't even need to have any funny stories to be good. It was just real, human feelings written down. I think that makes you more human to others who may be going through the same thing you are to see that everyone's lives have their ups and downs. Thanks.

  3. I love your honesty in this post. And that comic is hilarious!
