Despite what I said in my last post, it does occasionally cross my mind if I should continue to meet people from this site that I have been on. I have pondered stopping... but I always go back to the fact that I will not meet anyone new by sitting on my butt waiting for Mr. Wonderful to come knock on my door.
Yesterday morning I took my daughters for a hike in the nearby mountains. When we came home, we were all hot and tired. I laid down on my couch and grabbed the most recent issue of the Ensign. For my non LDS readers, that is a magazine that is put out by the LDS church on a monthly basis that basically shares uplifting messages and words from our prophet. I started flipping through it, backwards, (I tend to read magazines starting from the back and working my way to the front, weird, I know.) I read the headings of several articles and nothing jumped out at me as something that I wanted to read at that time. Maybe I should start from the front, for once. I opened up to the first article in the magazine and read the title.
Sharing the Gospel Heart To Heart It spoke to me. It was by President Henry B. Eyring, the First Counselor in the First Presidency.
The first line read:
God will put prepared people in the way of His prepared servants who want to share the gospel."
Right then, my eyes filled with tears and my heart began to burn. I knew I was meant to read this article.
Another line read "
The preparation we need is in our mind and our heart."
I feel that my mind and heart are prepared. I know what I want, I know what I believe. I have a firm testimony of my beliefs, which have been tried and tested. I may not understand everything about the gospel, but no one will ever be able to take away the answers and the blessings that I have received from our Heavenly Father. That is where my faith comes from. First hand experience.
So, I believe that answers my question. And so, for now, I will continue to meet men not of my faith. I may not meet the man I am going to marry, (or maybe I will) but one thing is for sure... no man I meet is going to say that they didn't know what I stood for and believed in.
Meeting men, not of my faith isn't easy. Very often, as soon as they find out that I will never be having sex with them, they make it clear that they no longer want to get to know me. I try to pretend that doesn't hurt, but it can. I always let them know there is no hard feelings and wish them luck in finding somebody to spend their life with. What I don't say, is that I am looking for someone to spend eternity with, not just my life.
This is not the case with all men though. For example, Cool Rider still wants to get to know me, and jokes with me that he knows he won't be getting any. It was honestly flattering, when he found out how very little "action" he would be getting from me and yet he still contacts me.
And when ****, (the one I met for Dim Sum) was told that sex would never be on the table (or under it...) his reply was, "I'm not looking for sex."
Also, the last man that I dated, respected my belief and never pushed me to have sex. In fact, I think he had issues that I was willing to kiss him on the first date, had he tried... which he didn't.
The thing that I don't like about dating online and dating in general for that matter, is having to weed through all the crap just to find that one flower. Yesterday, I had to block someone who wouldn't take NO for an answer. The last straw came when he sent me a very descriptive email about his intentions. BLOCKED!
But then there are times, like this morning, when I get an email like this... hold on a minute, I have NEVER got an email like this before.
I don't say this to everyone and I don't even expect to go out on a date with you, but I would love to share what I see in you, from what I can see in your profile.
There is something magnificent about you. That is the word that springs to mind when I look at you: Magnificent. It is not a word I use to describe many people but you an exceptional case. Your magnificence comes from a look, a style, an energy and demeanor that the great love stories in the history books are written about. A woman that can embody the true characteristics of the female essence can inspire great things in even the simplest of men. Like Helen of Troy whom had a face that could launch a thousand ships, I think you too have a face that could launch a man’s spirit into inspired great things. A woman that knows how to be a woman, a goddess, a queen and lover can move and inspire the world around her as a muse. And when I saw you here, just now, I too felt the effect of greatness surge through me. For the love of a beauty that inspires, men are helpless clay before the potter who spins her craft and molds and shapes the souls of those she applies her hands to. And to the man your love ensnares, he will be putty in your hands… So I challenge you to be brave, confident, and strong, and use that gift of magnificence to shape a world around you. All people are inspired by beauty… all of them. So shine with grace, integrity, love and gentleness. You are a muse… live to inspire so that others may aspire to truly live.
Have a great day,
WOW, let me say it again,
Ask me how good I feel about myself after reading that!
Make it a wonderful day, I know I will!