There have been some dates that I haven't blogged about, because well... there really wasn't anything good to share. Then there have been some good dates, but I decided to keep them private to see if anything developed first.
And then there was my most recent date. I told him about my blog. (No, he hasn't read it, don't worry.) He asked me not to blog about him. And so, I will respect that. Wait... I kinda just did. Oops.
All I will say about him, was that he was different from anyone I ever dated, and yet, I was totally relaxed and comfortable with him. It was totally a spur of the moment and impromptu date and it was so fun! I felt a surge of electricity rush through my body when he touched my arm. I felt it again when he placed his hand on me to keep me from walking out into traffic. And I felt it again when he said "You smell good." (Why did he walk away so fast after he said that??????)
So now, I wait for him to make contact again... because I don't want to seem pushy and aggressive.
But what if he is thinking the same thing?
What if we are BOTH waiting for the other person to make the next move? UGH!
Or... what if he's just not interested?
Seriously banging my head against the wall!

Until then, you will know if I've been around if you see flower petals everywhere.
He likes me.
He likes me not.
He likes me.
He likes me not.
Cute! Thanks for sharing.