Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Eww! And Gross!

If you are in the market to date, and have the opportunity to meet people and go on dates without going online to meet them, I highly recommend you stay clear of online dating sites.  I unfortunately, do not have this luxury.  So I get to be the guninea pig for for all singles out there who want to know what it's like out there.  And frankly, I have no problem doing it, because it provides me with hilarious stories, even if it is at my own expense.

I have encountered so many different types of people online.  Some turn out to be people that will be life long friends. Some I end up dating.  Some I go on one date, and we know we are not compatible, but know someone who might be good for the other.  There are some that I talk to , and eventually change their name in my phone to read, DO NOT ANSWER.  There are about 5 or 6 of those.  There are some, that are ridiculously good looking, but I am not interested in them, because I know that we have nothing in common, and they are outright shocked when they ask me out and I turn them down.  Those ones refuse to take no for an answer.  Then there are the ones that make me want to quit online dating... and I have several times.  (But I always seem to find my way back.)

Charlie, is an example of someone really good looking but we have nada, zip, zero in common.

Charlie's first email to me read this... and ONLY this.

When are we going out?

To which I responded: I don't know you, I'm not just gonna go out with you.

C: Sooooo, give me your number and we can text.
Me: I don't know you.  I'm not giving you my number.  Plus, I don't want you sending me dirty pictures.
C: I'm not that kind of guy.... unless you want me to be.  Sooo, you ever go out to dance?

I stopped responding at that point.
Next day-
C:  Can we go out Wednesday?
Me: I am the mother of 3, I cannot go out on a Wednesday.  My kids need help with their homework.
C:  Help, then when can we go out?
Me: Where would we go? What would we do?
C: We could go to a bar in Scottsdale.
Me:  I don't drink, so a bar would be bad.

By now you would think he would get the hint.  There is no way I am his type!  I don't dance, I don't drink, I am a mom, And lastly... I don't go to Scottsdale.  For people who don't live in Arizona, Scottsdale is known here as Snottsdale, or Snobsdale... or Douchbagville, as I like to call it.

So, he stopped responding, or so I thought until I got an email from him the next morning.

C:  Well then, you choose.  Where do you want to go?

I have not responded yet.  I don't want to be mean, he hasn't been rude and frankly it has been flattering, which is why I haven't blocked him yet.

So here's the fun part.  I want your help.  What should my next response to him be?  Leave it in the comment section, or for those of you who can't, (I have had people mention they couldn't)  you can send me private message on Facebook. I will post the best responses and then choose one.

I do need to share one example of why people may not want to try online dating. 
Warning - If you do not watch rated R movies, you may not want to continue reading, so stop now. 

For those of you still reading, shhhhhhhh, don't tell the others, but you are my favorites!

I was online, my first 5 minutes after creating a profile on a new site.  A chat window pops up and reads, "Blah blah blah wants to chat with you."  Then you can click - yes or no.  Something told me no, but I ignored it.  My bad.  I opened the chat window and it read, "You are sexy and beautiful, can I cum on the webcam for you?"   AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  NOOOOO!  I didn't even respond, I just shut the window and blocked that user from ever contacting me again. 

Annnndddd, I'm just gonna leave you with that thought.  Have a happy day!


  1. I don't know where your nearest Temple is, but tell him that's where you want to go!!

  2. Good to know! Good luck Jamie!

  3. LOL...I LOVE Tracy's option. Here are some that popped in my head as well...

    You could tell him you want to go to Target/Walmart to get some back to school things for the girls you still need... Maybe he'd foot the bill. But if he doesn't think back to school shopping is cool/important/detrimental to your future well being...it would be one more thing to add to the Non-compatibility list. Because we mothers of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...etc have to do back to school shopping, and school shopping and all kinds of shopping that involve paper, pencils, crayons, markers...etc.

    You could tell him you want to go to Pre-dating counseling with your Pastor/Bishop to make sure his intentions are good and that he truly DOES understand you will have no future interest in drinking/dancing in Scottsdale with him...all of which activities would likely lead to the sack if you were that kind of girl which you aren't. Although any guy who offers that as a first date is obviously...hoping...

    You could pick a nice restuarant...and say... What I would really LOVE to do is go eat at Blah Blah...but as a mother of 3 and single I don't have those kinds of opportunities very often. (at least then you would have the lovely memory of yummy food to look back on).

    Ok...those are my three... I love you! I am still hopelessly hopeful that the right guy, the guy that deserves beautiful, smart, snarky, fun, funny you is on the horizon! XOXOXO Love, Christine

  4. I remember when I was dating I use to put "Do not answer" a lot! I had to start numbering them!

  5. My first thought was to have him go to a parent-teacher conference with you... But I like the idea of having him take you to a really fancy restaurant. That sounds great!
