So you better believe when Cool Rider asked me if I wanted to meet him, go for a sunset Harley ride, and out to dinner, I jumped on that opportunity!
And then it hit me... other than the few brief emails we had sent each other and a few random texts here and there, I had no clue who this cool rider really was. For all I know, he could ride me out to the middle of the desert, (there's a lot of that here...) hack me up into pieces and bury me, never to be seen again.
I wasn't dying to meet this guy either. He came off very cocky and arrogant. It seemed like he just assumed that I had to get a piece of him. I got the impression that he could date whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He would address me as, Peaches or Pookie or other lame pet names. Not really my type of guy. BUT, and that's a big but, I really, really, wanted to go for a ride on a motorcycle. I had only been on one, one time before. It was a crotch rocket and the ride lasted all of 5 minutes while I held on to my friends husband for dear life. Not really what I had envisioned.
Silly girl with a dream of being someone's biker babe, ya, that's me.
The terms on which I had agreed to this date, included me meeting him at his house, which was a hour and 20 minutes away. Which, I know, sounds horrible, that if I wanted to date him, I had to drive to him. But there was a reason for this, and I will get to that in a second.
I went to bed that night, having visions of me doing motorcycles acrobat moves. If you want further explanation of that, you will have to talk to me in person, mostly so I can demonstrate for you. (Oh the things that happen in my head....)
I woke up the next morning and realized, that I had some issues that I wanted to discuss with him before I met him. The text I sent him read like this:
Hey Mr. Sweet Cheeks,
after much thought, this is what I have come up with.
First, being that I don't know you from Adam, as cute as you appear to be, I am not comfortable meeting you at your house. Second, I am flattered that you want to take me out, but if you really wanted to, you would be willing to meet me on my side of of town or at the very least, in the middle. Third, going back to the point that I don't know you, and met you online, my friends think it would be totally stupid and irresponsible of me to just hop on a motorcycle with you. Fourth, I need to make it clear what type of girl I am, I don't hook-up or kiss on the first date even. The most action you could expect, would be me holding on to you when we are on your bike...which is pretty clever of you because I will be holding on for my life! Fifth, if I feel threatened in any way, I will not hesitate to call 911 and swallow my phone so the cops can find me :-) So, given that information, if you want to cancel, there are no hard feelings.
To which he responded:
Women, sheesh!
Remember that sunset ride I was talking about? I simply can't drive from work to even the middle and pick you up then get back in time to see it. You don't know me, and I don't blame you or your friends for being protective but here is the reality... I am the President of The _________ Club, Pres/CEO of The _______________, have two younger sisters and a mother which I protect with my life, and have never been physical with a woman. I'm not trying to be selfish in not driving, you have said that you have no problem driving, when we first talked and I assure you, your schedule is more flexible than mine. It's up to you, but if I can pass a back round check to work with kids, have never done a drug in my life and my only intention is to have you join me for a motorcycle ride where, at best, my back would occasionally press up against your breasts, I would hardly consider myself a threat. Better chance of you being killed by a falling coconut than me. All that being said, if you want to go for a night ride, we can meet in the middle. From my work to my house is 25 minutes, and another 25 minutes to __________. So I guess by the time I get off from work, get home, change, jump on the bike, and head to___________, it would be close to 7:00. The route we are going on is far east of ___________ heading north.
Seems legit. And at leasts he's honest about the whole breast bit. So I Googled him, and it was all true. I agreed.
Getting ready for my date that day, there was a lot of me singing and dancing like Stephanie from Grease 2. I wanna C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R.
If you feel the need to sing too, or have no clue what I am talking about, (you are so missing out)
check out this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYB317pljts
She has the coolest dance moves, and the best thing is, they are ones I can pull off!

When we met, I felt comfortable with him pretty quick. Super sweet guy, not cocky at all. I had helmet issues, apparently I have a big head, and had to wear his as opposed to the feminie red one he had for me to wear. He doesn't wear one usually, so it was fine with him.
You know how in movies, a gorgeous woman takes off her helmet and she has perfect locks of flowing hair, well, it is so not like that in real life, at all! Damn Hollywood!
The ride itself was great. He felt terrible about how hot it was and my head being stuck in that stuffy helmet, so we did stop and wait for the sun to finish setting and for the temp to go down a bit. We had a good conversation. I do believe his eyes popped out of his head when I told him I was LDS. Somewhere during that break from our ride, he said, "I really want to kiss you and I don't know why. Maybe it's the way you look at me while I talk." WOOT WOOT! I have finally mastered one dating skill, I can look men in the eyes!
Our break probably lasted about 2 hours, it takes forever for it to cool off here, if ever. We got back on his bike and went for a ride in the mountains/hills. I was in total heaven. He took me to a great lookout point, where we could see the entire valley. He pointed out all the different things we could see. It really was a great spot. We got off the bike and he came up behind me and put his arms around me, then kissed me on the top of my head. So sweet. We stood there for a few minutes, but it felt like an hour. We were both starving, so we decided to head back to town for dinner. I turned around to hug him and then it happened, he went in for the kiss! And guess what , I turned my head. He apologized, and I thought to myself, "This is totally going to happen anyway, there really is no better spot..." and so, I went in for the kiss.
Ya, he totally called my bluff... even though, I swear, I had not intention of kissing him.
The rest of the date continued to go just as well, and then there was that long, nasty drive home. Thank goodness for friends who keep late hours so they can talk to me while I drive home.
I can almost guarentee, there will be more dates with Cool Rider.
yea!!!!!!!! I am stoked for you. I want a picture
ReplyDeleteI love it!!! So exciting and fun!!!