I find it hard to believe that so far, I have not dedicated a blog post to my gym.
I love my gym!
Everyone who knows me, knows this fact about me.
When I was married, I use to ask my husband if I could get a membership to the gym, he would say "No, because you will never go." So, one of the first things I did as soon as my divorce was final, was sign up for a membership. I have been kicking ass at the gym ever since.
Along with the amazing health benefits of working out at the gym regularly, there is an added benefit that I love.
Let me make myself clear.... that is not the reason I go to the gym, it is simply a bonus.
Come on fellow gym goers, admit it. Whether you are male or female, on the market or not, there is plenty of
eye candy at the gym. So, if staring at a hottie, watching him lift weights across from the treadmills, keeps me distracted while I run that last mile or keeps me on the StairMaster an extra 10 minutes... well, I will take what ever help I can get.
My aunt, told me for a long time that I would start meeting men when I went to the gym. That is where she met her husband. So while I have hopes of meeting someone whom I could have a relationship with, or just possibly go on a date with, I realize how hard that is, since I am still pretty clueless about dating and have no "game" what so ever! Pretty much, all I have going for me, is hoping that, dorky = cute enough to spark interest.
About 10 months ago, I was working out with my friend, Kick (short for Kickbuttski, cause she kicks serious butt!) I kept catching this guy staring at me. I asked Kick if it was just me, or was he staring at me. She watched for awhile and agreed with me. I thought, that it could be that while Kick and I worked out, we had so much fun together, that we laughed the whole time we worked out. (And those who have heard me laugh, know that I have a loud laugh.) But the thing is, I would catch him looking at me even when I was at the gym by myself. It kind of bugged me... why was this dude looking at me. Kick and I came up with the nickname, The Stalker, for him. A few months go by and everything stays the same, except, Kick got really sick and I was left at the gym without my sidekick.
Working out alone got really boring, but I still had some
eye candy, at least. One day, about 5 months ago, I was running on the treadmill, and I spy, The Stalker. He was wearing a different shirt than usual. Usually, he wears a
dark colored T-shirt. But that day, he had on a fitted, light gray men's athletic shirt. He chest was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I found myself not being able to look away. My eyes were locked on him. Even when he would turn and look at me, I couldn't look away. It had to be obvious that I was gawking at him. I do believe that the temperature shot up in the gym by like 20 degrees. My hormones went into overdrive and I had to control my thoughts... (who am I kidding, my mind totally ran with that fantasy.) Right then and there, I changed his name. It became, Big Chest. That day, the roles reversed, I became the one who always gets caught looking at him. Only, the sad thing is, I haven't seen him in about 2 months. A girl from the gym told me where he usually hangs out on Saturday nights, but I am to chicken to go there. What if I see him... then what? I'm sure I would just turn around and walk right back out the door.
I do have another crush that goes to my gym. I first noticed him about 7 or 8 months ago. One of the things that stood out to me, was his
blue eyes. And so, his name became,
Blue Eyes. I would see him, not just st the gym, but all over town. I would see him at my produce co-op, driving in the grocery store parking lot, and driving on one of the major roads near my house. I swear I was not stalking him, even though some of my friends like to say that I was. It's not my fault that he has a
car that is impossible to miss.
(And I will say one more thing, about not being a stalker
-I have never tied up anyone to a chair. With Duct tape. Without his consent first.
And that's all I will say about that...)
Back to
Blue Eyes, so I have been checking him out and crushing on him for sometime now. My hopes sunk one day a few months ago when I saw him working out with some lady. I thought maybe it was his girlfriend, (he doesn't wear a ring, but then, who does?) I watched the dynamic between the 2 of them and I just didn't notice any kind of chemistry. A few weeks later, I see the lady walk in with another lady that I am friendly with. The next day, I went up to her (the one I'm friendly with,) and said, "So, yesterday, you walked in with a lady that had blond hair. She usually works out with some guy..) When I said, some guy, a HUGE goofy smile spread across my face and she new right away what I was getting at. She immediately told me that the blond girl and
Blue Eyes were brother and sister. He is her neighbor. She agreed with me, that he is a total hottie. And she offered up tons of details about him. The most important one, he is single!
For those of you who know the Law of Attraction, I know you will understand why this next part is normal, and for those of you who don't know and understand this law, you will just think I am weird.
I would love to talk to
Blue Eyes. Just get to know him at least. I would love to just be able to say "Hi" when I see him around, like I do to EVERYONE else! But the problem is, when I am extremely attracted to someone, I get really awkward.
My solution, I have begun to visualize myself having a conversation with him. It started out very general, but it gets much more detailed the longer I visualize it. The other night, I visualized myself on the StairMaster, and he comes and gets on the one next to me. I turn his direction, nod and smile and the conversation begins to flow. The very next day, I got on the StairMaster, after only 2 minutes, I am sweating like crazy! The sweat is dripping off my arms, and making splashing sounds as it hits the stairs. Beads of sweat are dripping off my nose, onto my mouth. Salty- nastiness. Sweat is running into my eyes, making them burn so bad I want to scream. At 3 minutes, I kid you not, I see him walking my way. He climbs on the one next to me! This has never happened before. What ran through my head at that moment went something like this, "NOOOOO! NOT NOW! THIS ISN'T HOW THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN! OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT! Why isn't he sweating? I can't smile at him, my face is all wet. How am I suppose to have a conversation with him, I can't even breathe!!!!!!!" I stayed on until he got off and walked out of the gym. My heart sunk. I blew it.
I visualized it again, last night in fact. Only this time, I visualized myself at a lower level on StairMaster so I wouldn't get so sweaty. Once again, I visualized myself smiling and having a conversation with him.
This morning, I went to the gym. As I was finishing my run,
Blue Eyes walked in. My heart started to race, oh wait, it already was. I tried to play it cool, but I pretty much suck at that. I made my rounds and then it was time for the StairMaster of death. He usually ends his workout on the elliptical, (ya I know his routine, so what!) so I was thinking there was no way he would get on the stairs again. But guess what, HE DID! This time, I was going slower, but I had already been on it for 7 minutes and so yes, I was all sweaty again. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it.
Tonight, and from now on, I will visualize running into him somewhere other than the gym, where I am not sweaty. Maybe I could crash into him at the grocery store with my shopping cart. Or, (I like this one better) "accidentally" trip and fall into him, having to grab his firm, hard bicep to keep myself from falling.
I can't wait to get this one started.