Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Alex, I would like, WHO IS Hot Daddy, for 100 please

Someone recently told me, that when I started dating again, that I would revert back to my old dating habits from the last time I was "dating".  Well, I was 19 when I got engaged, so ummmm, yeah, I'm screwed!  I'm not even dating yet and I get giddy just talking about guys that I hope to be able to meet and maybe date.

Tonight, I was getting ready to make my kids lunches for school tomorrow.  I was going through their backpacks, pulling out all the old paperwork, when I pull out a half sheet of paper from my Kindergartener's bag.
It reads:
We have spent so much time together this year and I know some of you might want to keep in touch over the summer.  This is strictly voluntary.  If you would like to participate, please fill in the information listed below and return by Friday, June 3rd so that I can compile a directory and send out by next week.  Thank you.
Child's Name________________________________
Parent's Name_______________________________
Contact Number(s)___________________________

YES! YES! YES! Sign me up PLEASE! I would like to schedule a play date with...... drumroll please... Hot Daddy! 
No, I am not really going to call him, (mostly because I would clam up and start to stutter, and then giggle and then ...HANG UP!  Which doesn't work very well now a days, with caller ID!)  But of course, it did cross my mind.  But I'm not gonna lie, I am totally excited to find out what Hot Daddy's real name is!  Why?  I don't know.... I just am!

1 comment:

  1. What the heck are you going to do when school gets out? You won't have anything/anyone else to talk about anymore!


    By the way, I'm signed in on my niece's google account so don't freak out that you don't recognize the name.
