Sunday, May 22, 2011

Part 2, Of My Mom Said "Be Careful, He's Cute."

So I left off, promising to report back.  Well, last night I did not respond!  I can hear you all cheering!  I even think there was one "You go girl!", followed by a head roll and a snap.  So I am sure you are all wondering, where does that leave us now...  Oh, but I said "last night".  There is more to this story ..... there always is, haven't you learned yet?   (Heaven knows I sure haven't learned yet.)
I woke up this morning.. and of course, I had to check my phone.... just in case. There was nothing.  Now remember, I thought I had called him out... and THEN he was the one who sent me a message that said .... "I want to be married."  

 Somebody, please tell me what the heck is going on!  I am so confused!  I put on my usual 'drop the kids off at school outfit,' yoga pants and a fitted V-neck. (what?  I have to look cute in case I see 'Hot Daddy'.  Oh wait, I haven't told you my 'Hot Daddy' story yet.  That's a good one, the first guy to actually flirt with me, but that will have to wait.)  I get the kids in the car, and notice that I have a text.  I check to see who it's from, Campbell!   It reads "And have fun along the way .... So both!" 
  I just started laughing out loud!  This guy is such a jerk.  The great thing about texting... I can take my time to respond (or not),  and come up with the perfect come back!  So I thought, and thought, and thought some more.  I came up with some really good ones.  They all had everything to do with, it's his loss, because someday, when I am married again, I will make my husband sooooooooooo happy....... and how I am worth the wait... and  other stuff.  I went for a run/walk , the more I thought about it, the harder  and faster I pushed myself.  And the decision I finally made, just not to respond.  That just felt right.  I hear you all cheering again....wait, hold applause please...  because at 2:40, I get another text!    "Did that scare you away?" 

Well you know me by now, I don't even follow my own rules...  "LOL, I'm not scared, I just figured since I wasn't going to tell you what you wanted to hear, then you didn't want to hear from me at all."  We went back and forth for a lil bit, and then the conversation got nice, and flirty , but on the light side.  WAIT, WHAT?  How did that happen, I told you guys... he is smooth, this one.

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