Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Mom Said "Becareful, He's Cute."

Remember I was going "shopping" on Friday night.... well, it's already time to return the tool, he's defective!

Saturday, actually I met the most charming, smooth talking (I should of known...) guy on line.
His screen name was ... imwaiting4u...  and with that dreamy, pearly white smile, it made me say "Oh and am I ever waiting for you!"

On, you can check out a persons profile page.  If you want, you can send them an e-mail, or not... but here's the kicker, unless you pay for the upgraded service, people can check to see who has looked at their profile.  This can be good and bad.  It can be good, when you want someone to notice you.  It will let them know,1 time per day if you checked their profile.  So if you want someone to notice you and you are the type of person who doesn't want to send an e-mail first, you could check it say, everyday for a week, and they would notice that you are stalking them.  Hopefully they get the hint, before that though.  It can also be bad, because, sometimes a person profile picture is small and hard to see, and then you check their profile and BAM, there's Grandpa Joe, missing his tooth smiling at you.  Then he checks to see who was viewing him, and he gets all excited, and sends you an e-mail asking about the history of your town! (TRUE STORY!)

So that is how I met imwaiting4u, let's call this one... Campbell.  Let me just say, he is SMOOTH! I checked him out first.  He lives in Utah (beginning to think all the bad boys live there.)  He is 43, (OK that is so out of the range that I wanted to date, but wait til you see him, not the average 43 year old, at least not that I have met).  So he sends an e-mail.   He has his intro down perfect!  I am guessing, he has it on file and just copies and pastes it all day long. 

Some guys just write, "Hi, I'm Tom.  You're pretty. How are you doing?"  To which I reply "Thank you. I'm good."    Well, you ALL know that I can do a lot better than that!  But if a guy is going to keep up with me... he must be a talker!  So to the guys who at least tried a little, I will respond a little.

He starts by saying, "I'm sure you've heard them all before, You're Beautiful, You're my next girlfriend,", (and some other cheesy pick up lines I don't remember), and then he just starts bragging about himself.  He was tall, 6'4, great at conversation, I don't remember it all.  All I know is he caught my attention, in a big way. 

So I responded back, letting him know that I that I liked that he actually had something to say.  So we e-mailed back and forth all night.  Then before the night was over he asked for my phone number... Um, haven't we been down this road before? 

I told him I was hesitant to give it to him.  Seems like, more times then not, the conversation starts out nice, friendly , safe.  Then as soon as they get your number to text you, (NOT ALL OF THEM, BUT A LOT,) feel like it's OK to turn the conversation dirty.  He agreed that he had heard stories about stuff like that, and that most guys are pervs!  He told me to do what ever made me comfortable.  (Awwww, how sweet, right?  No! I'm a sucka!)  So I gave it to him.  The next day, he still responded by e-mail.  I responded back, reminding him that I already gave him my number, and I ever said in that e-mail, "Here's to learning my lesson the hard way."  
So, Sunday was good.  Felt like I got to know him.  Talked about his kids, a little bit about his job.
Monday, more of the same.  I also spent A LOT of time packing... while texting.  Conversation got more flirty, but I was good ( I put a new patch in my filter).
Tuesday, conversation got much more flirty.  He was definitely seeing how far he could take things.... I would respond with, "Nice try, buddy."
Finally he realized he wasn't going to get what he wanted out of me.  And he had the nerve to say that if I was just a prude looking for a Peter Priesthood (a letter of the law type of guy, for you non-LDS readers) that he didn't want to waste  my time.   A few angry texts from me later... I figured it was over, and of course that is fine with me.  I mean, what's the point.  The last text I sent said "Are you actually looking to get married again in the future or are you just looking to have fun?" 

That was it.  I knew calling him out, would finally end the conversation.  I called my girlfriend to vent.  I made her promise not to say, "I told you so."  So agreed.  I deleted my profile on ldslinkup, for the 2nd time. That's right ladies, I said 2nd time.  I will never return to online dating sites (at least not for another week or so.... just kidding.)  I learned my lesson the hard way.

So this is where this story ends... wait, no it doesn't.  Because one hour later... I received this text from him.  "I want to be married."
For tonight I am done.  I will not respond!  I want to say that I will not respond tomorrow.... I know many of you will be shouting at your computer screens saying "DORKY GIRL, DON'T DO IT!"  I am telling myself that very thing! 
I sit here, laughing at my sorry self.... it's 2:00 am.  But I had to share.  I will not make any promises about what I will or will not do, only that, I will report back!


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